[lazarus] More IDE bugs

Javier javuchi77 at yahoo.es
Mon Aug 26 10:29:59 EDT 2002

 --- Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> escribió: > On Mon,
26 Aug 2002 01:05:35 +0200 (CEST)
> Javier <javuchi77 at yahoo.es> wrote:
> >  --- Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> escribió: > On 21
> Aug
> > 2002 16:13:58 +0000
> > > Javier <javuchi77 at yahoo.es> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > 1.- When you change target procesor, 
> > > 
> > > Do you mean in the Compiler Options dialog?
> > 
> > Yes I do. It seems that the compiler needs to recompile LCL, and so
> is
> > why it probably needs Lazarus source code path in the Search Path
> > option.
> I just tried:
> Built a project (Ctrl+F9), changed the target proc in the options,
> built again (Ctrl+F9), changed back, built again - everything
> allright.
> Can you describe the steps to reproduce the error plz?

Well, checking again, and to be sure that Lazarus is loaded with the
default configuration, I have removed the ~/.lazarus directory. I
insert a button into the default form and press run button. Lazarus
shows me a message:

Unable to find file unit1.pas
Check Search path in
Run->Compiler Options...->Search Paths->Other Unit Files

and the following is printed in the "Messages" window:

unit1.pas(8,37) Fatal: Can't find unit CONTROLS.

But the incredible thing is that now I'm not able to compile any
project  at all! 30 minutes ago I was able, and I have not been
recompiled Lazarus.

Next, I have read the FAQs, so I proceed to recompile Lazarus:

cd /usr/src/lazarus
make clean
make install

and run it. (Note: I use fpc 1.0.6)

and test again. But it still does not work.
So I remove ~/.lazarus directory again... and it worked!! Lazarus is
now able to compile a project.
So the problem seems to be on Lazarus configuration files placed in
~/.lazarus in combination with Lazarus compilation options. I'm not
able to figure out why this happens. It seems to happen randomly when
compiling Lazarus and/or doing some things with the configuration.
Elsewhere, it stops doing so when rebuilding Lazarus and removing
./~lazarus, both at the same time.

I hope I can help.... elsewhere my explanations are not very clear,
sorry, I can't do any more.

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