[lazarus] native Win32 Interface

Luciano Coutinho Barcellos majnun at ig.com.br
Tue Aug 27 15:14:28 EDT 2002

Hello, Markus and 
everybody.    Well, I wish to use my free time to 
work on Lazarus. The fact is there was no "free time" for me during the last 
weeks. That is going to change next week. I would like to start working 
    But, as I see a lot of messages 
about the subject I would like to ask some questions to speed up my learning 
about how LCL is organized. I must say I don't have a lot of 
experience under FPC or even, under Unix yet, altough my computer being a 
dual boot machine since a long time ago, and I have a large experience on Win32 
programming with Delphi or Visual C++. So some questions may be about the FPC 
        1) Is there 
any diagram documenting the LCL classes and their hierarchy?
        2) Is there 
any compromise with Delphi/Kylix VCL compatibility?
        3) I've been 
studying the FPC sources and docs, and the object streaming system seemed 
to be different from Delphi. Is that true, or Lazarus/FPC is already capable of 
storing every published property? For every object should I declare a Load 
constructor and Store method and then call RegisterType (from objects 
        4) Is the 
only issue work on the visual components?
        5) Does the 
Lazarus IDE itself use the LCL? So, will having the LCL running on Win32 imply 
on having the Lazarus running on Win32?
        6) Have 
anyone heard about the book Design Patterns, from Addison Wesley publishing? Is 
any concept mentioned there being used on Lazarus design?
        7) Can I keep 
sending HTML messages to the forum? :-)
    Well, that's all, for now. 
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