[lazarus] native Win32 Interface

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Tue Aug 27 15:49:03 EDT 2002

Luciano Coutinho Barcellos wrote:

 > 1) Is there any diagram documenting the LCL classes and their
 >    hierarchy?

There is one, which might be old, that shows the FCL upon which the LCL
is built. I have never managed to find the time to add the LCL
components to it.


 > 2) Is there any compromise with Delphi/Kylix VCL compatibility?

At this point things have been developed with Delphi 5 in mind.

 > 3) I've been studying the FPC ...

I leave this for others to answer.

 > 4) Is the only issue work on the visual components?

Lazarus is only about the visual components or the VCL portion of
Delphi. The underlying portion that isn't visual components is handled
by the FCL which is in the hands of the FPC developers.

You can of course add to the FCL but that is done along with the FPC
team and not handled via the Lazarus project.

 > 5) Does the Lazarus IDE itself use the LCL?

Of course. All of Lazarus is built with FPC and the LCL.

 > So, will having the LCL running on Win32 imply on having the Lazarus
 > running on Win32?

That is correct. The IDE is built calling functions and procedures and
objects in the LCL and has no ties directly to the OS or widget set.
Once and interface is written on a given platform the IDE should work,
That is of course assuming that all of the required interface features
are available. :-)

 > 6) Have anyone heard about the book Design Patterns,....

I have not and thus all the original design of the LCL aren't based on
whatever it says.  :-)

 > 7) Can I keep sending HTML messages to the forum? :-)

We would prefer that you didn't.

Your diagram doesn't convey the nature of the LCL design or layout. I 
will work on making a block diagram that represents the design. I'll 
work that up later tonight and post it on the web site.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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