[lazarus] native Win32 Interface BugFix, maybe

Keith Bowes keith_bowes at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 30 20:24:56 EDT 2002

>From: Markus Lüdin <markus at luedin.com>
> > >//  if Sender is TCustomForm then
> > >//  begin
> > >//    inc(Width, 50);
> > >//    inc(Height, 50);
> > >//  end;
> > >
> >
> > I added this code a couple days ago because forms are always too small.
> > It's a hack until somebody can figure out why it happens.
>This issue is also solved with the updated WM_SIZE and WM_MOVE they form
>got smaller because it got reduced to the client area...but that does not
>happen anymore
>so you can delete that....

It's not as small as it used to be, but it still seems a little smaller than 
it should be.  But since you know more this than I do, I've taken your word 
that it's the right size and removed the code.

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