[lazarus] lazarus debuging???

Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be
Mon Dec 23 11:59:29 EST 2002

On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 matooo at email.si wrote:

> Quoting Michael.VanCanneyt at wisa.be:
> > I think I see what you're aiming at. I've been playing along similar
> > lines.
> > (Think TEventSource instead of TBaseDataSource, to catch and react to
> > general events.)
> > Send me some code and I'll have a look at it. If we can maintain source
> > compatibility, no problem; I'm open to suggestions.
> >
> > Michael.
> That's exactly what I'm aiming at:-). It would provide to use the same dialog
> for different purposes.
> example:
> Some edit dialog is connected to DBDataSource(master), ClipboardSource(slave)
> and XMLSource(slave). (p.s. in this case after putting these three sources app
> would get larger for xml, db and clip, but then again, if you wouldn't
> DBDataSource, db wouldn't be compiled in)
> First is used for general purpose editing, second one to put entire dialog
> contents into clipboard and thrird let's say saves or loads a template for data.
> So instead of bunch of code there's only automatism provided with datasources
> and base (dummy if datasources aare not used) data-aware components.
> I'll just rewrite my datasource so it will not compromise compatibility (now it
> does that seriously) and send demo. In a month (in worst case) there should be
> almost finished result
> Benefit (as I think you get it now):
> You don't need to inherit all visual components, all you do is write inherited
> DataSource (and that's the only one that needs rewrite) for (some new type) Data
> handling and job is done.

We'll see. Compatibility may be a bigger issue than you imagine, it's why
I dropped this line of thinking. But maybe you found something which I
didn't :-)


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