[lazarus] Some Bugs found

Jens Arm Jens.Arm at gmx.de
Sun Feb 17 10:34:47 EST 2002


First some FPC related questions:

1. Do dynamic arrays exist in FPC (1.0.5 or later) [var tmp:array of real;] ?
2. Why does this result in a compiler error and how can I do such things?:
 kname:array[1..2] of packed array[1..8] of char := ('12345678','87654321');

I get: Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but := found


Now the Lazarus bugs:

1. Sometimes the IDE stopping responding to any inputs (mouse&keyboard). I don't know the reason for this.
2. In the Compiler-Options in the Code generation Tab under Generate (Speed/Size) the resulting Parameters in the generated compiler
   Parameter String are exchanged
3. If I click on the Tabs of the component palette the Save/Open/New Form/...-Buttons are clicked, too.
   It dosen't matter wether hints are enabled or not. This bug is very disturbing :(
4. The view units Dialog don't open the marked unit and you can mark more then one unit.
5. In view forms you can mark more than one, too, but the form is shown.
6. Should the mouse cursor if it is in the editor not change to an edit-cursor ?
7. In the Editor-Options under margin and gutter there is a checkbox only half visible
8. A function in the menu for closing the whole open project is missing
9. You can't move controls in the form editor and the selecting rectangle don't work
10. How is it with Icons and Hot-Key-Shortcuts in the Menus ?
11. If you run a project and try to save the project with Project/save Project after, this don't work (nothing is saved)
12. Put a TNoteBook on the Formeditor, then click on the +-Icon in the Propertyeditor under PageList and you get a SegFault
13. The Bold-Font setting in the editor-options for the comment is set to on every time. It doesn't matter, what you have choosen.
    (The checkbox is off, but the comment is written bold)


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