[lazarus] CVS changes

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Fri Feb 22 11:28:34 EST 2002

+ From: Mattias Gaertner [mailto:nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de]
+ On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:08:17 +0100
+ "Marc Weustink" <Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl> wrote:
+ > + From: Mattias Gaertner [mailto:nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de]
+ > +
+ > + Shane and I do not like the Delphi way. We want realtime
+ > + wysiwyg. The problem is, that some gtk widgets work
+ > + differently (mouse capturing), which is IMO a bug in the
+ > + gtk-interface.
+ >
+ > [ list of troubles ]
+ >
+ > Still I think (seen the problems you give for
+ > mousecapturing) that dragging a fake image is way
+ > easier than dragging the component itself.
+ Easier?

Jep, if you drag the (GTK)component, you get (GTK)mousemove events relative
to the (GTK)component itself. Since the timing of (GTK)mouse events and the
(GTK)component placement have no relation to each other (depends on when X
wants to do something), IMO you never get a nice drag.

+ > For dragging
+ > you can grab the image of the component and grab that, so
+ > the one get still the impression one is draging a control.
+ > An advantage maybe is that one still can see the original
+ > place of the component (if one for example wants
+ > to align relative to to original position)
+ Good point. Although I think, that having a component and an
+ stretched image does not look nice.

I was only refering to dragging, not stretching.

+ I prefer a dotted rectangle to show the old position. But the nicest way
+ be an transparent image. If we can manage that, then I'm on your side.

Transparent of the new, or old ?

+ > In any case I think you need the TInterfaceControlFlags, to
+ > control the initial grabbing.
+ >
+ > + I also suggest to add a preview design mode. That means,
+ > + the IDE can show the user at any time a form with the
+ > + real components, which is of course not editable.
+ >
+ > hmm.... I don't mis that feature.
+ you will, if we add fake design components. ;)



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