[lazarus] tree component
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Mar 6 16:51:48 EST 2002
On Wed, 6 Mar 2002 21:30:02 +0200
Marius Popa <mapopa at reea.net> wrote:
> i want to make an tree in my application (linux+gtk)
> how do i create it ?
> In the examples directory there is a list example
> but a tree there isn't ...
The TTreeView can be found in lcl/comctrls.pp.
It is Delphi compatible, and it is already used in the IDE.
See environment->'codetools defines editor' or environment->'editor options'->keymapping.
For a code example see codetoolsdefines.pas in the lazarus main directory.
Missing features are:
- Editing. You can select nodes, but not edit text.
- Drag&Drop.
- a few minor things like custom draw events. If you need them, just ask.
It has some additional options/properties, so that it can look even like a gtk tree.
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