[lazarus] Minor Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon May 20 12:21:24 EDT 2002

Hi all,

Here is a list of minor updates, that accumulated in the last few weeks:

- parser now supports Delphi6 syntax
- finddeclaration for Delphi pointer dereference shortcut (e.g. Items. -> Items^.)
- fixed finddeclaration of default properties
- added new make target:
  'make cleanide' in the lazarus main directory will now clean up all ide files
- added extra options to "Build Lazarus"
- fixed saving of fpc source paths when changing the fpc source directory
- improved LazarusResources for big files. This prevents the compiler to allocate huge amounts of mem.
- 'save as' now changes the highlighter
- backuping files now saves file attributes/permissions
- fixed selection painting without highlighter
- fixed Event Assignment Completion naming. e.g. Application.OnIdle


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