[lazarus] Control not found

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon May 20 13:02:15 EDT 2002

On Mon, 20 May 2002 12:37:27 -0400
Matthew Bradford <mbradford at bahaigear.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>    Yes, that is the issue I have been having: "Fatal: Can't find unit 
> CONTROLS".  Sorry I didn't put that in the original message it was late 
> and I thought I had.  The issue here is that even if I put the units in 
> the same directory as my project it still fails.  I've not put in the 
> source, but should I really need to do that for a "hello world" app? 
>  Does the zip file on the website work?  Actually it seems more like an 
> issue with the fpc.cfg file (or fpc's inability to look for something in 
> any new directories.)

The sources are needed for many IDE features like events or find declaration. There are not needed to simply compile a program. 
Plz remove the /usr/local/lib/{lcl,codetools,synedit}. This is currently not supported.
I assume that you have the sources in a readable directory. You can either use the cvs or take the zip:
The sources should compile without any error with 'make clean all'.
If lazarus compiles you have valid sources and ppu/o files.
A simple program should be compilable with
ppc386 -B -Fu<LazDir>/lcl/units -Fu<LazDir>/lcl/units/gtk test.pas

If you now get the fatal error unit not found, check the steps in the FAQ.
If you still got the error then you have either found a compiler bug or there is some forgotten garbage from your experiments. You can find out with the -va switch:

ppc386 -B -Fu<LazDir>/lcl/units -Fu<LazDir>/lcl/units/gtk test.pas

This will result in a lot of output, but you can find out, where the compiler searches.


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