[lazarus] Sound component completed

Tony Maro tony at maro.net
Thu Nov 14 14:55:22 EST 2002


Thanks Mattias... All of my components now work properly after your
fix.  Even the TMCalEdit that I was having problems with works now (but
I still have some things I need to iron out on it)

So, here's what I've got in my component pack.  If you like it and
already downloaded it, you might want to grab the latest:

TCheckBook -- checkbook register
TChkGraph -- generic graph for an account balance over time
TMCalEdit -- TEdit descendant with drop-down calendar
TMScrlLabel -- scrolling label (actually statictext, but oh well)
TLZRStringList -- non-visual stringlist that compresses when saving
TESDSound -- ESound wave file sound support for Linux - Just drop it on
your form.  Properly works in both Gnome 1 and 2.

http://tony.maro.net/mod.php?mod=userpage&page_id=25  for download


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