[lazarus] TLGrid: A Grid component for lazarus

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Thu Nov 14 20:55:30 EST 2002

Hi, Here is a grid component for lazarus, this is a
preeliminar release, very alpha. but maybe it can be
useful for somebody. See the included test to get

WARNING: I haven't test it fully :)

Currently it features:

Cell[], ColCount, RowCount, FixedCols, FixedRows
ColWidths[], RowHeights[], GridColor, RowSelect, 
base editor, Partially grid scrolling (You can scroll
through scrollbars, but Selection can't reposition the
bars yet), Keyboard Movement, user events, Etc.

I'm looking forward to T(Draw,String)Grid
compatibility, ¿can someone post current interface?. 

I know Andrew is working on components, if he likes
it, feel free to take any part you like or all of it,
just tell me so work dont get duplicated. 

Of course it lacks a lot of functionality and checks
so be carefully and dont get surprised if something
doesn't work. I haven't installed it on the IDE yet so
I don't know if it works.


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