[lazarus] Updates: component editors

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Sep 2 17:06:39 EDT 2002

Hi all,

The IDE now supports 'component editors'.
They are implemented 90% the same as under Delphi. The differences are mostly because we have no interfaces in fpc 1.0.x.

Component editors are defined in designer/componenteditors.pas and are created by the designer on demand for every single component. If a component class has no registered component editor the TDefaultComponentEditor is created.
If the user double clicks on a component the default action ('verb') is executed. The TDefaultComponentEditor defines as default action to create a method. For example 'OnClick' for a button.
Component editors can add items to the popupmenu of the designer.

I will write the component editor for TNotebook...

I'm not very experienced in programming Delphi component editors. So, plz have a look, and tell me, if you think, the Delphi interface has design flaws or lacks some abilities.


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