[lazarus] CVS updates

Michal Bukovjan bukovjan at mbox.dkm.cz
Thu Sep 5 08:12:09 EDT 2002


just commited the following:

- prettified TStrings property editor
- multiline caption property edit for TCustomLabel.Caption
  - Mattias, is there a way how to have the elipsis box AND edit the 
property in OI? Delphi can do that.
- TMemo now has WordWrap and Scrollbars properties, default size synced 
with Delphi
- fix mutliline TLabel alignment
- removed TComboBox old string saving code, now Del/Backspace work as 
expected. The OnChange events are fired the same way as in Kylix (tested).
If there is a case I miss, please contact me.


- TMemo: push mouse button inside, move mouse (possibly selecting text) 
and release mouse OUTSIDE will not release focus, i.e. in TStrings 
property dialog I cannot click on OK or Cancel button. I have to click 
into memo again, release the mouse inside the memo and then I can press 
the buttons.
- there are some sizing problems with TMemo when scrollbars are enabled.
- even if a from is showed modally, accelerators for main menu will work 
and fire events.

- TMemo will not stream. Try this. Start a new project, put a memo on a 
from, compile, run, a form will pop up without the memo. There is an 
error saying that:

[DBGTGT] Form Stream "TFORM1" Signature=TPF0
[DBGTGT] Form streaming "TFORM1" error: Class TMEMO not found



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