[lazarus] New component: TScrLabel

Martyn Ranyard ranyardm at lineone.net
Tue Sep 10 08:31:10 EDT 2002

At 02:20 PM 9/10/02 +0200, Marc wrote:
>+ -----Original Message-----
>+ From: Þâõêíêë [mailto:Vasily.Volchenko at mstu.edu.ru]
>+ Compartibility is not full. I'll try to use TTreeView, if it
>+ would be better.
>+ Besides, is there any way to get a selected ListItem? (.Itsms[i].Selected
>+ doesn't work too, besides, it is dummy, as I saw).
>Hmm.... somehow I got the selected item in the debugger windows (or was that
>what I still planned to do :-)

This may be a stupid idea, but wouldn't it be a good idea to abstract the 
procedures that are dummy, so the end user never gets confused?  Does fpc 
not support the abstract keyword?  It really would be more friendly, and 
quicker to find out why something hasn't worked.


Martyn Ranyard
Free Software Advocate

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