[lazarus] Exeception on loading Lazarus

vslist at zonnet.nl vslist at zonnet.nl
Thu Sep 26 03:33:28 EDT 2002

See comments inline,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Johnson [mailto:aj_genius at hotmail.com]
> Sent: woensdag 25 september 2002 22:53
> To: lazarus at miraclec.com
> Subject: RE: [lazarus] Exeception on loading Lazarus
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:21:07 +0200
> "Vincent Snijders" <vslist at zonnet.nl> wrote:
> >I have looked into it, but I can't reproduce this error, so
> I am not sure
> >it is caused by my patch.
> hmm. it may not be, but it didn't show up on my system till I
> had your
> patch.
Can you or Javier please describe exactly how to reproduce this error. Maybe
than I found out whatis going wrong.

> >I removed the build tools setting from
> >~/.lazarus/miscellaneousoptions.xml and the compiler options
> setting from
> >the lpi-file but still no error.
> >The only way I could get an error is by removing both
> >~/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml and ~/.lazarus.dci and
> starting up in a
> >different directory.
> Exactly.. This IS the error. Are you sure there is not
> another xml file or
> setting being modified by your code than what you removed?

As far as I know the only files changed by the patch are the
miscellaneousoptions.xml for the lazarus build option and the lpi-file for
the compiler options.

The are I got is probably not related but I shall look tonight if I can fix
it. I don't think it this one is the error Javier got.

> >I also have noticed that at times there are empty lines in
> the xml files. I
> >don't know when this ocures, but it might have something to
> do with it.
> it might but I am not familiar with the XML code, as I
> understand it, thats
> another of Mattias' contributions, based on the orignal FPC
> version, and I
> haven't realy used it much.
> I will look into it and see if I can't figure it out though.
> Andrew

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