[lazarus] libgds.so, libcrypt.so Version?

Siegfried Goericke siggi at dbobjects.de
Sat Apr 12 12:10:14 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I compiled lazarus with: make clean all OPT="-dNoGdkPixBufLib -dInterbase"
that produce the following error msg:
Linking ./lazarus
/usr/lib/libgds.so: undefined reference to `crypt'
lazarus.pp(307) Error: Error while linking
Closing script ./ppas.sh
make[1]: *** [lazarus] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/blgoeris/src/lazarus'
make: *** [ide] Error 2
I have firebird ver. 1.0.2-ss-io64(linux) installed. Which version runs with 

Gruss Siggi

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