[lazarus] Trouble with crosscompiling

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Aug 17 04:40:03 EDT 2003


When I cross compile the win32 intf, I get very often a strange message

PPU Check file
/home/mattias/pascal/wichtig/lazarus/lcl/units/interfacebase.ow time
2003/08/17 10:33:00
PPU Check file
/home/mattias/pascal/wichtig/lazarus/lcl/units/interfacebase.sw time Not
Recompiling unit, obj and asm are older than ppufile

This happens when I add an -d option or I add/remove a {$DEFINE bla}
somewhere in the LCL code. The position of the {$DEFINE} (interface or
implementation) is not important.

Two questions:
What is an .sw file?
Has anybody seen this bug?


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