[lazarus] CVS Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Aug 19 08:34:13 EDT 2003

Hi all,

At the moment most graphics type are in graphtype.pp. The VCL defines them
in graphics.pp. They were moved to graphtype some time ago, to break unit
circles. I was able to move the types back to graphics.pp without circles.
This is currently deactivated by some IFDEFs. But it will soon be activated.
You can try it by adding -dNewGraphType to the lazarus build options.

I don't think, that any program needs fixing, since most will have both
units in their uses section. At least the IDE and its components didn't need
any change.

Minor updates:

- all saved unitlinks are now updated, when FPCSrcDir changes
- implemented Enclose Selection
- renamed LazQueue.pp to LazLinkedList.pas
- implemented character map dialog


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