[lazarus] Text file database as a first step...?

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Sat Aug 23 07:25:23 EDT 2003

Michael.VanCanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>On 22 Aug 2003 06:02:12 -0600
>>Tom Lisjac <netdxr at adelphia.net> wrote:
>>>There are a *lot* of existing components for Delphi that could be
>>>converted with minimal effort. I've been hoping to see some requests for
>>>components and libraries that the folks on the list are looking for.
>>>Michael's component repository idea seems like an ideal approach... is
>>>anyone else interested? If so, registering a Sourceforge project for it
>>>might be a quick and easy way to get it started.
>>I totally agree and I would like to help.
> I have recently set up a CVS repository for such things on the FPC server
> cvs co contrib

I think also that it is better to keep it in an CVS under our control 
instead of SF. Writing some scripts to generate CVS write accounts 
(without shell access) shouldn't be that hard :)

> A dream of me personally would be Turbopower's Orpheus.
> (a huge set of visual classes).

What's the problem with compiling it? VCL-based?

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