[lazarus] listbox patch

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Sun Dec 14 18:58:04 EST 2003

At 00:05 15-12-2003, Vincent Snijders wrote:


>I noticed a different appearance / behaviour of the gtk-linux and win32.
>In gtk clicking on the text selects the item, but does not check it. In
>the win32 interface, clicking on the item text checks the item. In win32
>no selected item is shown.

That is probably because GTK has no native checklistbox (it has no normal 
listbox like win32 either).
GTK has a listbox with a list of widgets, which in normal cases are labels. 
When implementing the checklistbox, I saw no reason why those labels 
couldn't be labels and checkboxes. So in GTK you select the labels and 
check the checkboxes. I tried Checkboxes alone, but then you couldn't 
slecet an item without checking it.
Since the UI of GKT and win32 differs I had no problems with the different 
behaviour (we're not trying to let GTK widgets behave like windows)


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