[lazarus] lack tForm.OldCreateOrder

Darek Mazur darekm at emadar.com
Tue Dec 16 13:04:27 EST 2003

> > Hi
> >   In Lazarus is absent in tForm property  OLDCREATEORDER,
> >   this property may do nothing
> >   this is need only when  is LRS loaded - Delphi DFM have  that
> I don't think that we should add nope properties/methods.
> Maybe someone can finish the Delphi to lazarus unit converter and
> a basic wizard to simply remove unknown properties.

Maybe so, but I see two trouble. First is very hard to avoid unknown
properties for descendant of tForm etc. Second this not solve
incompatibility on source level with Delphi. And even simply wizard is not
so simply like changes of code. But this all is only my suggestion.


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