[lazarus] lack tForm.OldCreateOrder

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Dec 16 15:39:07 EST 2003

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 19:17:22 +0100  "Darek Mazur" <darekm at emadar.com> wrote:

> > > Hi
> > >   In Lazarus is absent in tForm property  OLDCREATEORDER,
> > >   this property may do nothing
> > >   this is need only when  is LRS loaded - Delphi DFM have  that
> >
> > I don't think that we should add nope properties/methods.
> > Maybe someone can finish the Delphi to lazarus unit converter and
> implement
> > a basic wizard to simply remove unknown properties.
> Maybe so, but I see two trouble. 
> First is very hard to avoid unknown properties for descendant of tForm
> etc.

Can you give an example?

> Second this not solve incompatibility on source level with Delphi.

I think, we can add the property with a comment, why it exists. Although IMO
it is a very minor compatibility improvement, while OTOH it can confuse
users. So, I see a small pro and some small cons.

At the moment it is quite hard to write code, that works with LCL and VCL.
And a single missing property is the easy part. 
The files are called .lfm and not .dfm, although they have the same syntax.
The reason is, because we know, that the fcl/lcl will never have exactly the
same properties as their VCL counterparts. 
And some day, the IDE might be powerful enough to work with dfm and lfm
files, so VCL/LCL source combination might become true.

> And even simply wizard is not so simply like changes of code. 

In this case, it is very simple. (I implemented it).
We need this wizard anyway. One problem of Delphi is, that everytime you
upgrade to a newer Delphi Version, you get warnings and automatic updates
for your projects. Downgrading even only one version is difficult.
Here we need this wizard.
And Lazarus should be able to make porting Delphi applications of nearly all
versions easy.
So, this wizard is essential.

> But this all is only my suggestion.

Always welcome.

BTW, your workaround for the ident2int function works nice.
The IDE also needs this feature. Although it would be even better, if there
are functions to read/use the ident2int function list from outside

Then the IDE would be able to examine component streams without actually
creating objects.


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