[lazarus] lazarus cvs / fpc1.9.0 compile error

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Wed Dec 31 14:23:03 EST 2003

Vincent Snijders wrote:

>>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>Van: Ken Moffat [mailto:kmoffat at drizzle.com] 
>>Just downloaded fpc 1.9 to my slack9.1 partition, and lazarus 
>>cvs, and 
>>got the following error on "make":
>>Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.0 [2003/11/05] for i386 
>>Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Target OS: Linux 
>>for i386 Compiling allunits.pp Compiling utrace.pp
>>utrace.pp(69,22) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable 
>>type of procedure(const ShortString,const ShortString, Longint, 
>>Pointer);StdCall>" expected "<procedure variable type of 
>>ShortString,const ShortString, Longint, Longint);
>>utrace.pp(70,23) Error: Incompatible types: got "<address of 
>>procedure(const ShortString,const ShortString, Longint, 
>>Longint);StdCall>" expected "<procedure variable type of 
>>ShortString,const ShortString, Longint, Pointer);StdCall>"
>>utrace.pp(73) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
>>make[1]: *** [allunits.ppu] Error 1
>>make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/lazarus/lcl'
>>make: *** [lcl] Error 2
>Can you quote the lines 69, 70 and 73, please? I have no code at line
>69. Is utrace.pp up to date?
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lines 66-72.


   TraceFileName := '';
   OldProcPointer := AssertErrorProc;  // the current Assert Error Handler
   AssertErrorProc := @TraceAssertHandler  // set to new Assert Error 


I think this is a fresh download from cvs. I'll update and try again.

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