[lazarus] Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Feb 23 05:35:28 EST 2003

Hi all,

- new function: Sort selection
- fixed key grabbing in editor options for Ctrl+letter
- fixed local variable completion of integer sub range types
- "save as" dialog now starts in project directory for project files
- Publish Project Dialog -> implemented Browse destination directory
- added synedit to component palette
- fixed crash in open dialog on showing file information for
  invalid file dates
- added startup messages on misconfiguration
- added some docs: INSTALL, FAQ, LazarusIDEInternals.pdf
- started scripts and instructions to create RPMs, DEBs and TGZs.
- added gnome desktop file gnome.ide.desktop
- fixed forward proc code completion, when cursor is in param list
- fixed local variable completion, when first variable is in same line with
  'var' keyword
- skipped compilation messages are now shown in message view to 
  show progress
- implemented changing TMenuItem.GroupIndex at runtime


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