[lazarus] TGraphic Transparency

Solerman Kaplon solerman at wonder.com.br
Fri Mar 21 13:02:25 EST 2003

Hi andrew,

Ops, guess I get misundertood :), I'm sorry about that, I was talking
about the delphi one itself, and that will be good if the lazarus get
one that can superseed the delphi one, and that something like TImage32
with his full alpha support will be good. But since it uses a lot of asm
may be hard to get something crossplatform easy with it. ps: I'm
curious, what you mean with "discriminating loading" ?

andrew johnson wrote:
> Well, if the components aren't complete enough for you, feel free to
> report any missing features in TImage/TGraphic components, as if I don't
> know its wanted/needed I don't know to fix it. :)
> Although portions of the TImage are incomplete, AFAIK the most important
> aspects of it are already in place, excepting proper transparency
> handling, which is really a TGraphic problem anyway. So I see no reason
> to try and rebuild it using another win32 component which may or may not
> have the same sort of incompatibilities after porting anyway, but I will
> plan on taking a look soon anyway  and see if there is anything useful
> for lazarus in it.
> As for TGraphic incompatibilities, apart from this transparency issue,
> the most important things that are missing are proper saving and more
> discriminating loading. Both of which require A.) a lot of
> experience/knowledge (which I don't have) or b.) a lot of research and
> experimentation, which I generally don't have a lot of time for, not
> that I don't have all sorts of grandios plans and goals mind you. :)
> Andrew
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