[lazarus] 1.0.7 src rpm and bin rpm

Siegfried Goericke siggi at dbobjects.de
Fri May 9 06:52:27 EDT 2003

Hi all,

when I use the package fpc-1.0.7-laz.20030301.i386.rpm then I can compile and 
use lazarus. But when I build fpc from the package 
fpcsrc-1.0.7-laz.20030301.i386.rpm, then I can't build lazarus. The error msg 

Fatal: Can't find unit GLIB

I have all checked (positiv) (see FAQ).

Normaly I can use the binary package, but I want use the new patches for db 
and interbase and dbgrid ..... 
Best Regards/Gruss Siggi

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