[lazarus] streaming error with TIBDatabase

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu May 15 08:30:14 EDT 2003

On Mon, 12 May 2003 07:13:09 +0800
hernan.et at pg.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> At least I have confirmed that there is indeed a problem with TIBDatabase.
> Here is what I have found this weekend. Whenever you drop TIBDatabase
> control into a form, the name property is not there. I have put in lots of
> writeln in Writer.inc I found that it is somehow reading a property but I
> cannot pin down what property it is. Hope some Lazarus/Fpc guru out there
> can have a look on this. This problem is beyond my comprehension.

It's a compiler bug.
When a forward defined class is used as type for a published property, the
class has no RTTI information about its properties. I reported it as #2492.
This is the case for TDataBase and TDBDataSet. 


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