[lazarus] TMPack link error.

BoBo BoBo aborka at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 13 02:28:22 EST 2003

I had the same problem with Lazarus recompiling after attempted to install 
the Mysql component. It took me a few minutes but under one of the menu 
points withing the components menu you can right click on the mysql package 
in the list end select uninstall. I don't have my Linux up right now so I 
cannot give you more specifics, but it can be done.

Good luck :)

>From: Ken Moffat <kmoffat at drizzle.com>
>Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>Subject: Re: [lazarus] TMPack link error.
>Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 22:06:11 -0800
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>Tony Maro wrote:
>>Well I'm happy to report it is completely unrelated to TMPack.
>>You can grep the tmpack directory and "mysql" doesn't appear anywhere in 
>>Have you previously or recently installed the MySQL components?
>>-Tony Maro
>I wondered about that. I did try with no success. The mysql component shows 
>up as 'to be installed on next startup' just like TMPack. How would I 
>remove/uninstall or abort the install or whatever. I see no such option.
>Thanks for the reply.
>Lazarus still runs, but without those packages.
>Also, when I open another project does the already open project close? I 
>seem to be able to mix project files with unpredictable results.
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