[lazarus] Beginner

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 03:20:48 EDT 2003

I installed Lazarus from the RPM downloaded from the lazarus
site.  I have FPC 1.0.10 installed.   I'm running Redhat 7.2.  

Lazarus looks great and I can create an initial form.  But if I
double click on, say, a button, I get:

### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: "unit not found: CustApp" at
Line=49 Col=23 in "/usr/share/lazarus/lcl/forms.pp"
TMainIDE.DoOpenEditorFile END "/usr/share/lazarus/lcl/forms.pp"
TDesigner.InvokeComponentEditor ERROR: Unable to find method. Plz fix
the error shown in the message window.

When I try to run it (i.e., click the 'play' button), I get:

TOutputFilter: "interfacebase.pp(6,13) Fatal: Can't find unit

Here is my /etc/fpc.cfg (dated July 14, which is when I installed FPC
1.0.10) with all the comments stripped out:



There is a unit called classes.ppu in
'/usr/lib/fpc/1.0.10/units/linux/fcl', should I add that?

-Alan Mead

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