[lazarus] win32 binaries?

Alan Mead cubrewer at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 14:59:10 EDT 2003

--- Andrew Johnson <acjgenius at earthlink.net> wrote:

>[Andrew's helpful steps removed]


> Since the idea is(as the webpage and about/faq states) to be able

If the web page authors are listening, I had some trouble
understanding the current status of the project.  For example, on the
one hand, there were win32 download folders and win32 had its own
section in the FAQ.  OTOH, the win32 side of the download folders was
empty.  I was especially surprised that win32 was popular enough to
have frequently asked questions yet I couldn't DL a binary install. 
(Of course, now I have the scoop.)

> On Linux it is highly useable and mostly complete in general using

Yes!  I think I last evaluated Lazarus right after the name change
and it was a long way from being useful.  The project has come a long
way and the IDE looks great.  I'm looking forward to getting the
installation issues ironed out and using it.



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