[Lazarus] Unicode support enabled for win32 with fpc 2.2.1 and higher

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Fri Apr 18 23:36:26 CEST 2008

Lee Jenkins schreef:
> Vincent Snijders wrote:

> Will there not be a Windows installer released until the 0.9.26 release I 
> assume?  I've tried several time to build lazarus on windows from source, but I 
> can never seem to get it to work.  Linux on the other hand seems to be a cinch.

There are snapshots:

> Also, other than encoding existing source files to UTF-8, are there any changes 
> to the user of strings in general or is this abstracted behind LCL?

Take care in passing file names to the RTL and the fileutils unit. 
Strings in the LCL are generally encoded in UTF8, but RTL and fileutils 
are the system char set.


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