[Lazarus] Unicode support enabled for win32 with fpc 2.2.1 and higher

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sat Apr 19 00:11:52 CEST 2008

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Lee Jenkins schreef:
>> Vincent Snijders wrote:
>> Will there not be a Windows installer released until the 0.9.26 release I 
>> assume?  I've tried several time to build lazarus on windows from source, but I 
>> can never seem to get it to work.  Linux on the other hand seems to be a cinch.
> There are snapshots:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Snapshots_Downloads
> or
> ftp://ftp.hu.freepascal.org/pub/lazarus

Thanks, I didn't know those existed in binary form.  I just thought they were 
only soruce.

>> Also, other than encoding existing source files to UTF-8, are there any changes 
>> to the user of strings in general or is this abstracted behind LCL?
> Take care in passing file names to the RTL and the fileutils unit. 
> Strings in the LCL are generally encoded in UTF8, but RTL and fileutils 
> are the system char set.

Sorry to be so ignorant on the subject, are you saying the calls to RTL 
fileutils need to have the "strings" cast to UTF-8 somehow?

Thanks again,


Warm Regards,


"When my company started out, we were really, really, really, really small. 
Now...we're just really small."

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