[Lazarus] Lazarus IDE (GTK2) - flicker and slow redraws

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 08:33:28 CEST 2008

2008/4/25 Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
>  It does not flicker here (gtk2/ubuntu). So, maybe you just use a
>  difficult gtk2 theme.

I'm using the Bluecurve theme under GTK2 with Ubuntu 7.10. Bluecurve
is not a very graphics intesive theme, like some others.

>  The menus are completely drawn by gtk. If they flicker, then you should
>  see flickering in other applications too.

Further investigation revealed the problem. It's only menus that show
over the IDE Editor window, and it's actually the Editor windows that
takes long to redraw, which causes it to look like flicker. Using the
menus on the left (File, Edit etc...) which are not over the Editor
window, displays quickly, like all other GTK2 apps.

>  But it is true, that the ExtTextOut function, which is used by SynEdit,
>  under gtk2 is at least 5 times slower than under gtk1. It uses pango
>  functions, which are great for full unicode support, but snail slow.
>  Probably the font system must be changed to cairo.

OK, that would definitely explain the slowness I experience.  Why
don't you use Xft directly? fpGUI uses Xft and unicode support is
perfect. That way you will get unicode support in the editor, should
have faster redraws and might even give GTK1 widgetset a unicode (and
truetype fonts enabled) Editor as well.

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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