[Lazarus] Error when loading forms in Lazarus - Unknown property: "LCLVersion"

Peter Williams pewtas at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 20:16:46 CEST 2008

Hi Mattias,

I've just spent about 2 hours (approx or even more!!!) using Lazarus
to try to sort out this problem!

I think that a major problem (for me anyway!) is that I don't
understand the concepts of the difference between "Lazarus project
(*.lpi)" and "Lazarus Project source (*.lpr)". In my confusion I've
actually created BOTH in the same folder and using the same units and
forms and resources. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!!! { But I'm trying to smile
about it }

Can someone please look at my .lpi or .lpr file(s) and help me to
compile and run them?!? E.g. I would like to send them as an
attachment to a person who would be kind enough to help me sort out
this f*cking mess!!!

Mattias, in the past has been kind enough to receive the files as an
attachment... and I would be happy if he would like to do that again.

This is really not very good for my mental health... and I have
schizophrenia and take medication regularly (and that really works
well... at least most of the time)... What I'm saying it that sometime
having a programming issue like this can drive me off the deep end!
:-( Computing and programming are just hobbies for me. I use Lazarus
because I come from a background where I used to use M$ Windowz and
Delphi 5 and 7... And Lazarus appeals to me because it's sort-of a
Delphi clone. (Now I've given M$ Windowz the flick and my desktop pc
is totally Linux Kubuntu -- and its a very good and recent machine
e.g. good specs!)

And I think I'll stop this message here.

Best Wishes and Hoping that someone will take pity on me and decide to help me
Fond Regards,
from Hobart, Tassie, 'Down Under'

2008/8/8 Mattias Gärtner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
> Zitat von Reenen Laurie <rlaurie at gmail.com>:
>> I've found the LCL Version thing too... And it frustrates me...  Because I
>> have one PC I have SVN on, and one old 0.9.24 version.  If I want to edit a
>> project after I've worked on the SVN, I've got to reopen all my .lfm's and
>> remove it.
> See here:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_0.9.26_release_notes#LCL_major_changes
> There are some tipps how to use newer forms on old IDE's.
>> Can we make that it doesn't add it to EXISTING forms, and only add it to new
>> forms?
> No. Because:
> It can only be omitted if no component class was used on the form, that
> added/renamed/deleted/changed its published properties between your old IDE
> version and your new IDE version. But to find this out, you need the version
> number, which is contradictory.
> I know that the LCLVersion creates a break for something that it wants to fix.
> But for all future versions 0.9.26,28,... it will help to reduce the problems of
> changed properties.
> Mattias
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Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS

My free website is:
http://pewtas.googlepages.com (or) http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs

(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)

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