[Lazarus] Lazarus icon on desktop has lost its cheetah icon (replaced with paper page icon).

Chris Kirkpatrick chris.kirkpatrick at doctors.org.uk
Wed Aug 20 00:39:06 CEST 2008

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:28:32 +1000
> "Peter Williams" <pewtas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> This is only a minor bug... but it's annoying. Previously, when I was
>> using Lazarus 0.9.24 beta (weeks ago now) I had Lazarus in my Kmenu /
>> Development menu with a cheetah icon. Now, after following Mattias's
>> instructions (a few weeks back) I have Lazarus 0.9.25 beta installed
>> {thank you, Mattias :-) } and it seems to be working pretty well.
>> However, the kmenu / Development / Lazarus programming language menu
>> item (both in the kmenu & the link on my desktop) have lost the
>> cheetah icon and instead they display a very boring icon which looks
>> a bit like a white piece of paper. (see attached file... it was
>> created from doing a snapshot of my screen then cropping out the
>> appropriate section with The GIMP -- "temp1.jpg" -- 8K in size)
> This is the default icon of your distribution.
> The cheetah icon is lazarus/images/ide_icon48x48.png.
>> Note that I don't think this is a Lazarus bug... it seems to be a
>> Linux Kubuntu 4.0 problem, as I've had this happen with other kmenu /
>> menu items. E.g. the real icon is lost and replaced with this boring
>> paper page icon.
>> In a related question: I used to use Mirco$oft Windowz (many different
>> versions) for a long time. One feature of Windowz which I did quite
>> like is that if you created what Windowz called a 'shortcut' then you
>> could edit its properties and click on the 'change icon' link and
>> pick any .ico file (e.g. a icon file) and when you applied the
>> change... presto... your shortcut had a new icon. What is the Kubuntu
>> equivalent of doing this?!? Note: because I don't feel very
>> comfortable with the command line in Kubuntu.... I would prefer to
>> use a program in Kubuntu for changing the icons which has a GUI
>> interface. ;-)
>> I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4.0... if that helps. I can provide
>> additional system specs as requested. *SMILE*
> I don't know kubuntu. 
> Mattias
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Right click on desktop icon.

Select properties.
Click on 'boring' icon
In 'select icon' dialog click on 'other icons', then browse to find the 
icon you want (eg the one specified by Matthias. Select it and you 
should see the picture you want on the desktop.
Standard KDE configuration.
Regards - Chris

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