[Lazarus] Where does Lazarus store/look for global settings/options?

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 13:33:56 CET 2008

Hello Graeme,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 9:17:37 AM, you wrote:

>> No, the other way... I'm using in example 0.9.24, and install 0.9.25
>> in order to test it and evaluate if an upgrade is interesting. Once
>> installed I run it but some things do not work as expected with my
>> code so I must still work with 0.9.24 meanwhile I do not fix my
>> problems to run in 0.9.25, but... Ooops, 0.9.24 is not working as
GG> I do that often under Linux and have always handled that by specifying
GG> a new config location as a parameter when I start up Lazarus. Why
GG> can't Windows or any other platform users do the same! The command
GG> line doesn't bite. ;-)

That's not the problem, I'm very confortable with command line, in
fact I'm using 4NT much more than file explorer. But in pre 0.9.26
versions the config is tied to each installation, since 0.9.26 Lazarus
starts to use the user config path, the same for each installation, so
suddenly new installations share the same config. Also a simple
"Lazarus --help" does not "help" too much ;) and navigating around
wiki looking for "config folder" does not help also. It could be
solved using a simple question, I think.

GG> You are experimenting with new software, so I would assume you know
GG> what you are doing!

That's a nice assumption ;-)

GG> I have setup two desktop icons with the following details. I can
GG> easily switch between Lazarus versions and they don't affect each
GG> others settings.

That's fine when you know that the command line accepts the "--pcp"
parameter. Had you tried to find that information in the wiki using a
problem description ? Even using primary-config-path as keyword, one
of the good matches appears at position 15.

It's not a problem for me anymore ;)

Best regards,

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