[Lazarus] TDataset & TDatasource

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Wed Dec 3 16:21:20 CET 2008

Charl van Jaarsveldt wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have never really gotten into working with the datasets and 
> datasources with Delphi or Lazarus. Can someone perhaps point me to some 
> good online documentation/tutorial (or write a quick summary of you feel 
> like it :-)  ) that can help me get on with this? I have the basics 
> down, in other words, I have a program that can read/write stuff to an 
> sqlite database. I am getting a little confused though when I start 
> thinking about some design considerations. What exactly is the 
> relationship between the TDataset and TDatasource? Should you have a 
> separate TSQLiteDataset for each use of a table? (I think I need to 
> implement an onscroll event, but only for one frame.) Any help would be 
> appreciated.


TDataSource is used as a go between for TDataSet and data aware controls.  For 
instance, if you set the Datasource of the TDBGrid it will populate the grid 
using the TDataset.

This may help you:

Warm Regards,


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