[Lazarus] Mouse Link in SynEdit (only link-able items)
Martin Friebe
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Dec 11 17:12:46 CET 2008
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Hello,
> When I execute the StretchBlt windows API in the magnifier I get
> different results in Delphi and in Lazarus:
> Windows.StretchBlt(DestCanvas.Handle, drawGlassRect.Left, drawGlassRect.Top,
> drawGlassWidth, drawGlassHeight,
> bmpDisplay.Canvas.Handle, viewRect.Left, viewRect.Top,
> viewRectWidth, viewRectHeight, dwROP);
> In Lazarus there is notice some anti-aliasing. When magnifying the
> same synedit text in delphi and lazarus, after 14x or so I start to
> see grey dots near the text and in Delphi I don't. Actually the grey
> dots are also square, so they actually look like as if they were part
> of the text, but they cannot be, because I saw the same text with
> delphi.
> Setting the canvas Antialiasingmode property has no effect.
> Any ideas why this happens? It's not necessarely bad, but I would like
> to control this via the antialiasing property.
Delphi uses StretchBlt, but I'm not sure (and I'm to lazy too look in
the source) if laz does too in all cases. For the ease of it might be
that I use AlphaBlend.
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