[Lazarus] TAChart: Request to review/apply patch 12758

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Thu Dec 11 16:32:01 CET 2008

--- El jue 11-dic-08, Alexander Klenin <klenin at gmail.com> escribió:


> I.e. my specific problem can be solved in SVN by creating a
> branch of TAChart
> component and giving me commit access to it, but then
> similar branch should be created for my patches to DBGrid,
> and yet another one for patches to SynEdit (both stalled
> for about a month now),
> etc.

Sorry about the dbgrid one, btw, cracker classes are sometimes called "access" classes but in this case I think it really made justice to the name, have you tried that on fpc 2.2.2 and current 2.3.1?.

If it gets applied it has to be temporal and as such, we need a patch for fpc also and another taking in count the patched fpc (but that can wait of course), if the fpc patch doesn't make it, it's unlikely the crack will be commited.

Jesus Reyes A.

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