[Lazarus] Resource strings

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 08:35:58 CET 2008

On 21/02/2008, Alex du Plessis <alexdup01 at telkomsa.net> wrote:
> Hello list
>  I have an application which implements resource sections.  When I
>  compile, only the main file .po file is created and not a .po file for
>  the unit in which the resourcestring section resides.

Compiling a project that uses the resourcestring section doesn't
create .po files. It creates *.rst files.  You first need to run a
conversion tool to get it into a .po file format.

   rstconv -i uitext.rst -o languages/uitext.po

  - Graeme -

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