[Lazarus] Synedit: Highlight All feature (patch) [Re: SynEdit question (IFDEF SYN_LAZARUS)]

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Jul 7 21:43:59 CEST 2008

Hi Mattias,

Cool, thanks.

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 00:40:21 +0100
> Martin Friebe <lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote:
>> Recreated the patch. The 3 *.pp files go into components/synedit/
> Thanks. Applied.
>> I am looking for any feedback, that will prevent me from developing
>> this into the wrong direction.
>> The current ideas/plans are:
>> - speed optimizations to highlight all, even so it does not
>> curreently slow down working on my system.
> What operations updates the highlight all often?
>>   there may be possibilities to limit the amount of search, if only a 
>> few lines are invalidated.
>> - Further rework on the PaintLine code.
>>   Higlighter NONE, could use PaintToken too (simulating a single
>> token for the whole line)
>>   This would mean that brackets will be highlighted
>> - Moving "special lines" into a Markup class
>> - Moving "block selection" into a Markup class
>>   This would simplify PaintLines. Also currently if the Block is
>> across several HighlighterTokens, the will not join in the token
>> accu. This would become possible.
> IMO all are good ideas.
>> Please also let me know, anything that would be needed before the
>> above changes, in order to apply the change to SVN. I could then do
>> further changes against the applied version.
>>> If you have time, you can implement it for 'none' too.
>> Will do. I f I am right this will actually simplify some code. Let's
>> see.
>>>>   ~Text does seem to be "None" but with MatchingBrackets ? or does
>>>> text highlight anything else?
>>> ?
>> If you right click the source editor , and within the context menu 
>> choose the sub-menu "File settings", there is an other sub-menu 
>> "Highlighter". In addition to a list of all the highlighters from 
>> editor-enviroment, there are two entries:
>> -Text
>> -None
>> I haven't found anything that is highlighted by "text" except it does 
>> the brackets, which "none" does currently not. So the question is,
>> have I missed something, or is there some other intend?
> Text was intended for future use, for things that can be better done
> with markups. So, it can be removed.
> Mattias
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