[Lazarus] Lazarus IDE work and future

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 15:34:04 CEST 2008

2008/7/9 Osvaldo TCF <arquivostcf at gmail.com>:
> But a reality is that:
> -the major people in community do not help with code, include me, sorry.
> -Perhaps the problem is about an enterprise participation , how Sun for
> java or Mozilla foundation for firefox and Xul.
> -Lazarus is in very low velocity development and this is not good for
> anyone, my comparison is with ruby and your tools.
> -The gtk widgetset is wrong way. The gtk2 is the reality and we don't
> change it, why use the time with gtk? Why not with gtk2 or fpgui?
> -The community is not  intense. Perhaps  if  we considerate and attract
> an others  pascal projects like Powtils and Extpascal for help with
> Lazarus IDE ...
> -Why not a enterprise contact with Canonical, for example?

It's true, more people use the Lazarus IDE  compared to those that
contribute to the IDE.  I have contributed some and so have many
others.  If I didn't have that much on my plate, I would definately
contribute more!  Unfortunately work/jobs that pays my bills have to
come first.  As soon as I win the lottery, I'll pay a couple of
developers to work full-time on Lazarus. :)

The thing is most people contribute only in areas of the IDE that they
are interested in.  Which I think is fair, as they reap the rewards of
the new feature. I'm one of those. I don't think that would change

Getting corporate sponsorship in the form of dedicated developers
would obviously be great, but what do they get out of the deal if they
don't use Lazarus itself?  If we could find corporates that do use
Free Pascal or Lazarus, then maybe one can negotiate.  Other than
that, it's going to be a hard sell.

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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