[Lazarus] FPC 2.3.x and Lazarus

Antonio Sanguigni a.sanguigni at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 17:27:22 CEST 2008

Hi Mattias,

There is no make uninstall.
> But a 'make install' installs correctly even if an fpc is already there.

so may I have both compiler versions ? What about path clashes ?

> What distro do you use? There are many scripts to create your own
> distro packages.

I'm using Arch Linux. I had a look at fpc 2.2.0 PKGBUILD, I should try to
create one for 2.3.x .


Antonio Sanguigni alias slapshot
GioveLUG (Linux User Group) - http://www.giovelug.org
Edupup (Educational distro) - http://edupup.pieroni.biz
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