[Lazarus] FPC 2.3.x and Lazarus

Antonio Sanguigni a.sanguigni at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 10:16:39 CEST 2008

Hi Thierry,

> I have 2 fpc & 2 lazarus installed on my Ubuntu box, and I have no
> particular problem.
> fpc: once your svn update is finished, in, say /usr/local/src
> directory,
> * 'make all'
> * then 'make zipinstall'
> note that I didn't do any system-wide install of the svn version of fpc.
> the zipinstall will create a big zipfile, for eg.
> 'fpc-2.3.1.x86_64-linux.tar.gz'.
> * unzip the '/lib/fpc' directory to '/usr/local/lib/fpc'
> * check that your '/etc/fpc.cfg' file contains something like:
> [cut]

thank you very much for the infos. I will try soon your solution that is
pretty what I needed :-).

Antonio Sanguigni alias slapshot
GioveLUG (Linux User Group) - http://www.giovelug.org
Edupup (Educational distro) - http://edupup.pieroni.biz
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