[Lazarus] Bitmap animation component

A.J. Venter aj at outkastsolutions.co.za
Sun Jun 1 11:16:06 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 2:59 AM, Kostas Michalopoulos
<badsector at slashstone.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I created a bitmap animation component for fpGUI. It works like the
>> old Netscape spinning logo. One image with all the frames layout in in
>> a horizontal position.
>> It doesn't have much use, other that to take up some space on a form
>> and entertain your users.  :-)  Does something like this exist for
>> Lazarus?  If not, I'll port the component with an example application.
> I would have some use for it if the ability to specify how many times the
> animation should be played (none, always, 1, 2, etc), be able to specify the
> speed and direction (actually having a ping-pong style animation sequence
> would be nice, like 0-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-repeat, especially for one-time
> animations) and support transparency.

The closest component I know of is gamepack, which is overkill for
just animating a bitmap - and also doesn't do the
things Kostas mentioned - since games rarely work like that.

A.J. Venter
Chief Executive Officer
Tel.: +27 21 554 5059
Fax: +27 11 252 9197
Outkast Solutions IT
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