[Lazarus] Color setup of the Form1: TForm1

Paul Csanyi csanyipal at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 17:49:02 CEST 2008

"Henry Vermaak" <henry.vermaak at gmail.com> writes:

> 2008/6/17 Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>:
>> On 17/06/2008, Vincent Snijders <vsnijders at quicknet.nl> wrote:
>>> I am sorry, but I cannot find the mentioned feature on that page. On what section is it?
>> See my second post. I got confirmation from somebody that it was not
>> native Linux behaviour and was not going to be fixed. And as I
>> mentioned in a previous thread - beats me what 'native Linux
>> behaviour' is! Most Linux apps do what they want as there is NO
>> standard.
> the themes in linux control everything about the widgets, that means
> everything on my desktop looks the same (not in terms of application
> design, but buttons, scrollbars, borders, colours of active/inactive
> titlebars, shades, translucency, etc).
> if you need a custom look, you either need to build a themeing engine
> into lazarus, or write a gtkrc file for your app (the right way, imo).
>  then you can control everything.  if you just need a colour for your
> form, doesn't a panel work?  (coloured panels work for me in gtk2, at
> least).

I read now the GTK Tutorial at:
Regards, Paul Csanyi

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