[Lazarus] Can't see line being debugged.

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue Mar 4 10:27:26 CET 2008

Adrian De Armas wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using lazarus 0.9.24 with fpc version 2.2.0 [2007/08/30] for
> i386. My linux version is Ubuntu 7.10 - the Gutsy Gibbon - released in
> October 2007.
> Lazarus and the applications compiled with it work fine  but when I
> try to debug I have some strange results.
> I set a breakpoint and when the execution reaches that breakpoint the
> application seems to do nothing but it does! it is waiting for my
> input... the applications and the debugger keep working because I have
> some  "ShowMessage" functions arround and if I press some F8 I can see
> those ShowMessage executed although the executed line of code doesn't
> highlight... I think you all can realize that debugging without
> knowing which line is actually executed is impossible.
> Does anyone know why is this happening?...  Any workaround?... Am I
> the only one seeing this?
> FYI I am new to linux and lazarus.

The only case I know is when you use Jump in the Callstack then the 
"current" line isn't highlighted.
Did you change colors in the editor options (environment-editor 
options-color executionpoint)?

> English is not my native language, so I hope I was able to explain myself.

It was clear to me :)


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