[Lazarus] Greying out or not able to select an item from ComboBox

el stamatakos el_stamatakos at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 26 19:32:06 CET 2008

En/na Coq Thierry ha escrit:
> Hello,
> can't say for your Nokia, but Lazarus works on the eeePC, with a Xandros 
> distrib

The eeepc has an x86 compatible processor and it has an almost "normal" 
desktop linux distribution, so it's not that surprising that it works.
OTOH the nokia tablets use an arm processor, the distribution is derived 
from debian but it uses eabi and its own specialized widgetset (derived 
from gtk) optimized for a small (albeit high resolution) screen: hildon, 
aka gnome mobile.
Fpc for arm generates oabi code, not eabi (Florian did something for 
eabi but I hadn't really time to test it on the tablet), command line 
programs with no special external libs should work just fine on the 
nokia, writing gui programs is not possible now.


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