[Lazarus] Error rebuilding Lazarus IDE

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Thu May 8 04:37:53 CEST 2008

Horacio Jamilis schreef:
> It still failing with today lazarus svn (r15073) and today fpc svn 2.2.1 
> on XP SP2 Spanish (just to make you remember)

I remember. Please, create a bug report.

> E:/lazarus/pp/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -gl -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32 
> -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32/win32 
> -Fu../components/codetools/units/i386-win32 
> -Fu../components/synedit/units/i386-win32 -Fu../components/custom 
> -Fu../components/mpaslex -Fu../ideintf/units/i386-win32 -Fu../designer 
> -Fu../designer/jitform/units/i386-win32 -Fu../debugger -Fu../converter 
> -Fu../packager -Fu../packager/units/i386-win32 -Fu../units/i386-win32 
> -Fu. -Fiinclude -Fiinclude/win32 -Fi../images -FE.. 
> -FU../units/i386-win32 -WG @'C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Horacio\Configuraci¾n local\Datos de 
> programa\lazarus\idemake.cfg' -di386 lazarus.pp
> Fatal: Unable to open file C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Horacio\Configuraci¾n local\Datos de programa\lazarus\idemake.cfg
> When, at the cmd.exe propmt I runed:
> E:/lazarus/pp/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -gl -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32 
> -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32/win32 
> -Fu../components/codetools/units/i386-win32 
> -Fu../components/synedit/units/i386-win32 -Fu../components/custom 
> -Fu../components/mpaslex -Fu../ideintf/units/i386-win32 -Fu../designer 
> -Fu../designer/jitform/units/i386-win32 -Fu../debugger -Fu../converter 
> -Fu../packager -Fu../packager/units/i386-win32 -Fu../units/i386-win32 
> -Fu. -Fiinclude -Fiinclude/win32 -Fi../images -FE.. 
> -FU../units/i386-win32 -WG @'C:\Documents and 
> Settings\Horacio\Configuración local\Datos de 
> programa\lazarus\idemake.cfg' -di386 lazarus.pp
> where I only changed the ¾ character for the ó character, the command 
> failed again.
> I needed to change de ' character with " character to make it work properly.
> I´d like to fix it my self but I don´t know where to took at... If you 
> tell me I could try to find the way.

Look at the recent changes in the ide\Makefile and ide\Makefile.fpc and 
try if you can make it work.


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